Dealing with Grief while Leading Others
We have faced a confluence of major shifts in 2020. With the virus, the uncertainty that fogs our future can be unnerving. The death toll that rises every time I listen to the news has moved me to speak about an uncomfortable topic for many: grief. Whether you have endured job loss, missing connection between friends and family, losing loved ones, or perhaps all three and then some, loss is part and parcel of our collective experience right now. Seeing my close circle deal with all of this, and dealing with it myself, I am reminded of how grief can hijack a person, and what it takes to walk through that experience as a leader and as a human.
“Most people have a natural caregiving instinct that makes us want to soothe the person and take the pain away,” she says. “However, when someone is grieving the loss of someone close, we really can’t take that pain away. We can only be willing to listen and share this very human sorrow.”
When challenges occur it can be scary, and fear by its nature is isolating. If you are suffering, reach out to those around you and let them know you need help. It’s crucial to have a trustworthy support system; even one person is in your corner can make all the difference. We aren’t used to dealing with this sort of loss on such a massive scale, and it is natural to feel overwhelmed. So, leaning on one another (safely) is a great way to be present in a world where we must stay 6 feet apart.
If you are the leader in your workplace it can be difficult to allow yourself to be vulnerable. Remember that you are a human being! Expressing emotion in a healthy way and asking for help when you need exhibits strength, engenders trust, and solidifies bonds. We are in this together, after all. Take care of yourself and one another out there.
Click below to listen to our full conversation about the impact of grief, ways to deal with it, and how grief changes you. Lives happen every Friday at 10AM on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.
For more resources on grief and leadership check these out: