Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is coaching really?

Coaching is about you at the top of your game. Just like elite performers and athletes, leaders and executives like you need to be in a superior condition when it comes to confidence, sound decision making, managing relationships, and motivating the team and clients/customers in order to be effective and sustain long term success. Simone Biles didn't get to be the best gymnast of all time by herself - she has a whole team of supporters, headed up by her coaches, that push her to explore new heights, keep her on track when she gets distracted or overwhelmed, and help her stay laser-focused on her next goals. That’s what a coach can do for you.

2)  What are  Energy Leadership and Core Energy Coaching?

About Energy Leadership and the ELI Assessment From the iPEC website:

As an individual, you view the world through filters based on your experiences, values, and assumptions — they either limit what you see (like tunnel vision) or expand it (like a prism). You've most likely unconsciously developed these filters throughout your whole life and they significantly impact how you perceive things. This ultimately affects how you show up in different situations and could even be holding you back from realizing the full potential in yourself, your life, and your career.

What if you could apply metrics to these filters and assess how they’re influencing the results you're achieving? That’s precisely what iPEC’s Energy Leadership Index™ assessment (ELI) accomplishes. It’s an attitudinal assessment, not a personality-based one, and it puts a numerical value to the types of energy a person experiences and expresses:

  • Level 1: Feeling lost. Stuck. Lack of choice. I can’t. I have to. Fearful.

  • Level 2: Anger. Combativeness. Resisting or fighting energy.

  • Level 3: Rationalizing. Fine. Coping.

  • Level 4: Care. Compassion. Service to others.

  • Level 5: Reconciliation. Win-win. Solution-focused.

  • Level 6: Intuition. Creative genius. Visionary.

  • Level 7: Absolute Passion. Non-judgment. Oneness.

It’s normal for people to cycle up and down the energetic spectrum as they experience life but it’s also important to remember we are a mix of different energy levels, never just ONE single level. There is no "good" or "bad" energy per se but each type has inherent advantages and disadvantages and can be consciously used to reach specific goals. With the awareness and insights gained through ELI debriefs with your clients, you have the power to help them reshape their attitudes and worldviews as well as transform who they are.

More on Energy Leadership and the ELI.

Read about why FORBES sites the ELI as “one of the top assessments that every executive should take.”

Core Energy Coaching is an empirically proven method that supports clients in gaining mastery of their own inner energy dynamics, which in turn helps them manage themselves and others with tremendous presence, compassion, accountability, and success. 

A 2018 quantitative research study provides clear evidence that a shift in core energy is a primary driver of positive change in the participant’s lives. By working with a Core Energy Coach, clients learn to harness their own power, thus becoming more evolved human beings and more effective leaders with greatly increased chances of achieving satisfaction in life, work, and relationships.

Read more about Core Energy Coaching. 

3) What makes a creative leader different from the rest?

Creative leaders are not just defined by their title, role, or even industry. In fact, the # 1 most desirable quality in leadership is creativity!

However, leadership in the creative and innovation fields is something special. It is a unique opportunity to guide cultural discourse; to inform, influence, and inspire the public in intimate settings, wide-reaching platforms, and everything in between. What’s more, the financial challenges are often more demanding than those for our counterparts in other sectors.

The expertise it takes to lead companies, organizations, and initiatives with both artistic or creative excellence and sound business practice is a tightrope few can walk, and even fewer walk effectively. This is why Master of One Coaching exists. Your job is a delicate, often misunderstood or underestimated, and important one. We get it. We not only want you to thrive, but are also deeply committed to furthering your work so we all can thrive together.

4) What’s the big deal about a certified coach versus a non-certified coach?

The coaching industry is dynamic and growing rapidly. That’s good news! It means that people like you are understanding how coaching can help improve lives and businesses.

As of now, industry regulations are somewhat open. While there are thousands of awesome professionals out there, there are also some stinkers.

Whomever you choose to partner with you, make sure they are certified by an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited program - and if they have an ACC, PCC, or MCC certification from the ICF itself, all the better. That way you know that your coach has gone through rigorous training and mentoring, has the experience to serve you the way you deserve, and that they are held to the highest industry standards of practice and ethics.

5) Do you work with groups to tailor programs to meet their needs?

Absolutely. Each client and each business is unique. While we have proven processes and tools, we are also experts in listening to you and understanding your priorities in your specific context. That is part of our “special sauce.” We are invested in your success and will do what it takes to get you there.

6) How do I know executive/leadership coaching is right for me and my team?

It looks or sounds something like this:

"I see opportunities for me to have more success, I just don’t how to make it happen. I keep trying, but I am not getting the results I want. What am I doing wrong?”

“At first I was so focused on getting this right and making a difference. Now, suddenly, I have a whole team of people to lead and it is hitting me - I don’t know what the hell I am doing!”

"I know that I am meant to create powerful positive change, and I know I need a great support team to get me there. I have great people around me, but our processes are a mess we are flying by the seat of our pants. It’s exhausting.”

"This work is my passion - I know in order to grow I have to grow with it, but I am having trouble letting go and I am completely overwhelmed. "

"Other people around me tell me that I have to change what I am doing, but I have been doing it my way for so long, I am worried what change might mean."

"I am (re)building my team and want to make sure that we are starting off with a great foundation. I want to hire well and develop a culture that is dynamic, supportive, accountable, and successful on all fronts.”

Any of that sound familiar? Then you are in the right place. Let’s connect.

7) Do you work remotely?

We have always been and continue to be available via remote communication - that includes Zoom, FaceTime, and/or phone. In fact, 70% of our clients have been 100 miles or more away from the home office. We even went international in 2020! Wherever you are, we will make it work in the way that supports you best.

We do meet in person locally, and we would love to see you for sessions in person if you are in the Hudson Valley area.

We are also ready to travel for the right client.

8) This is a big investment - do you offer pricing and payment options?

You bet. We offer full-pay and monthly plan options, as well as add-on bonuses, and contract extensions with mutual agreement. Contact us to learn about how coaching is more affordable than you might think.

PLUS did you know that Fortune 500 company did a study that found a 788% ROI for leadership coaching? WOWZA!