Celebrations, Centering, + Change
“I have decided to stick to love…Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
By Nobel Foundation - Description page (direct link), Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9719576
First things first - Celebrations!
Since we last connected there have been many causes for celebration.
Various holidays, the New Year, and now observing Martin Luther King Jr. Day to name a few. (This is an especially important day in our family. If you know, you know.)
In the midst of all of that, we here at Master of One Coaching are also celebrating significant milestones and successes not just for us, but - most importantly - for our amazing clients.
From exponential growth in revenue, to up-leveling in the quality and quantity of team members, to the deepening of trust in relationships and exceeding their own expectations of what is possible creatively, we continue to be in in awe of the tremendous talent, intelligence, and commitment they express every day.
And they do it all while being good, kind people with integrity, compassion, and heart.
Honestly - they/YOU - are what keep us going. And we are SO VERY GRATEFUL.
Next Up - Centering
Alongside the 1:1 and team coaching work that we love, I have also had the great fortune of partnering with the globally recognized teacher and retreat leader Julie Ewald of Identity Yoga for our “Resourcing Yourself in 2025” series.
Last week was the first of 3 “Day-treat” sessions held in Kingston, NY. Leaders and powerful change-makers from all over the New York Metro/Hudson Valley region convened to build community, get grounded via yoga and coaching tools, and make plans for enacting growth goals for the coming year.
So far the feedback has been tremendous!
We have already heard many ways in which participants are progressing in their professional goals, experiencing personal sense of strength and clarity, and feeling more connected to purpose and flow.
One participant wrote:
“Thank you both for Saturday's incredible session…[with] that group of highly charged with love people that you gathered. Our gathering really made me the feel the magic in the word COMMUNITY. I look forward to the next one!"
When I started this business nearly 7 years ago, these kinds of events were only a dream. It just goes to show - with a little luck and a LOT of work, dreams can come true!
Change - Let's talk about it
Ok, look.
There is no getting around it.
There is a lot of sh*t going on out there. Change and upheaval are everywhere. And that generates uncertainty.
Generally speaking, humans LOATHE uncertainty.
Whether we like it or not - whether we care to acknowledge it or not - everything we see, hear, read, touch, experience - it DOES impact how we are showing up in our life and work. Every bit of data we ingest holds within it the power to rock our inner world.
And there is A LOT of data. (Whether it is trustworthy data is another can of worms.)
Politics - local, national, and international. Social change. Environment. Economics. Communication. Personal health and relationship changes/stressors (even the ones that feel good can trip us up!).
It's is all part of how we integrate into our days. How we lead, produce, and serve.
For me? Watching my home state of CA burn AGAIN while I sit feeling helpless in NY has left me broken hearted and reliving the terror of evacuation when I was young. Though it was decades ago and 3000 miles away, it still shows up in my day. Especially with the real time media coverage.
It's a product of the intricacies of our hyper-connectivity. A war across the world can devastate us. Just as a beautiful performance that we watch online or in person can lift us up.
Everything we take in we can also potentially take on.
I see it in every single coaching session.
And because our clients are deeply committed to doing right by others, they tend to struggle all the more.
They believe in the power of kindness along side the drive for excellence.
They push the boundaries of culture, art, and innovation while also expressing genuine empathy.
So if you are still here with us, I commend you. Because it means you are committed like that too.
I am here to tell you:
Maybe that's my NorCal hippie roots talking. So be it.
The fact that you are showing up each day, still working toward a world akin to what Dr. King envisioned for us all of those years ago means that you are doing something right.
And - though contrary to what current events might be modeling - the long-term data proves that kindness in leadership outlasts bravado. Every time.
Resources for You
Uncertainty is fertile ground for destruction - of old behaviors, beliefs, ideals. One invitation is there for us to contract, withdraw, and hide. Those are reasonable and natural instincts. And sometimes we need that contraction for peace and quiet as we consider what to do next.
The uncertainty can be terrifying and painful. Some of that can not be avoided. You already know that.
Though there is a profound sense of change in the air, this does not mean that everything will burn to the ground. Some things may. That is the natural order of things. But it is also the natural order of things for new growth to emerge.
This is the time of flux. Of ground gained, lost, and gained again. It is essentially disordered and unpredictable. You may feel strong one moment and vulnerable the next. That is OK! It’s all part of the process (annoying, I know, but there it is).
If you or a team member are in a contraction moment, honor it as best you can. It doesn’t do anyone a bit of good to pretend it is not happening. Take time to be quiet, even if just for a few minutes. Nourish yourself with warm, comforting food that soothes you (rather than ramps you up or weighs you down). This is the natural time for quiet. Hibernation, as it were. Be kind to yourself and let the work you are doing marinate.
Others of you may be experiencing a different sensation - perhaps a feeling of opening. An inkling that from the ashes rises the proverbial phoenix.
If so, what are you noticing about that? Empowering? Scary? Invigorating? All of the above?
Whatever is happening here, see if you can observe yourself from time to time. What is happening in your physical body? Your emotional system? What thoughts are milling around? What patterns are holding on? Which are loosening up? And what do you want to do about that, if anything?
Because when things burn to the ground, they make room for something NEW and BETTER.
One of my favorite quotes by one of my most favorite authors and teachers is:
As you engage in the practices that help you reflect and dream, I invite you to pay attention: what is shifting within you?
Here are some prompts to assist you in focusing your thoughts:
What are some ways in which I can be more compassionate toward myself?
If there was absolutely nothing in my way, how would I proceed? What does the answer to this tell me about how I am approaching a situation, circumstance, or relationship?
If no one would get mad or upset with me, what would I do differently?
What am I tolerating in my life that I know is bringing me pain? Is it necessary to keep tolerating this? If yes, how I can adjust my approach so I suffer less/have more ease around it? If no, what are the steps to let it go?
How are my goals evolving? What is inspiring or compelling about them? What is igniting a fire within me? How do I know? What does that fire look/feel like in my body? How does it inform my choices going forward?
And how can I ensure that all of that is grounded in love, hope, and trust in a better, more equitable future?
There will be more in the coming weeks.
For now, I encourage you to:
~ Pay attention to what you are “feeding” yourself and how it makes you feel.
~ Resource yourself so that you can lead others to the best of your ability.
~When you feel stuck - MOVE YOUR BODY.
As the saying goes, “move a muscle, change a thought.”
And if you need some support, you can always set up a free demo session.
Just sayin'.